Why the world is weird!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Warning - Sudoku is highly addictive. Don't start!

This harmless looking little numbers game is now the bane of my life! I never spent much time trying to understand it but was always a bit curious. I warn you, if you look at enough gameboards the method just suddenly and without warning "clicks".

As soon as this mental click happens it becomes impossible to avoid attempting to complete one. Once you complete your first board your "smartarse" gene springs into action and you achieve an irremovable smug grin for at least an hour. This feeling of achievement leads you to want more so you attempt and complete another board, however this time the smug warmness only lasts for about three quarters of an hour. The third board inevitably fails and you start your fourth with complete frustration. YOU ARE NOW ADDICTED!

You're now doomed to spend way too much of your day completing sudoku puzzles just to bring you to your normal feeling of acheivement. Yes the sudoku comedown is tough but I urge all you other addicts to go cold turkey or your days will be spent scouring the internet looking for your next fix.

Concerned that someone you love is addicted to Sudoku? Here are the warning signs to look out for: paleness, loss of spare time, inky fingers (pen or newspaper print)*, papercuts.

*please note that if your loved one is filling in their puzzles with a pencil, they are not a serious case...they're just cheating.


  • It's harmless...I used to go behind the bike sheds and do a crafty sudoku puzzle and it didn't make me an empty shell of a 193765284....I mean, person.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:46 pm  

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