Why the world is weird!

Friday, February 10, 2006

That Friday lack of feeling..

It's the end of the week! You'd think I'd be looking forward to a weekend of drunken debauchery! But no. That's the trouble with working in an industry in which you have to visit people in their homes. You're free when everyone else is working but you're working when everyone else is free. I know which way round I'd prefer things.

Ah well. If there are any well-off women out there who'd like a young and healthy man to keep then they can give me a call. This working for a living lark's massively overrated. (I'm not bad at cooking and I can actually iron!)

None of the machines have done anything to worry me yet today but it's only quarter past four so there's time. However the answering machine told me it was the "end of messages" so it may have gone on strike or quit. Whichever way it won't be slinging any more accusations my way so that'll help my mental state. Actually, come to think of it I got a text message from a friend earlier which read
"roses are red, violets are blue, I love surrealism, ...fish"

not sure what to make of that but if that's the nearest to a valentines card that I get then I'll cherish it.


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