Why the world is weird!

Friday, March 03, 2006


Well, swathes of West Yorkshire were covered in a thick blanket of snow in a very short space of time this afternoon. Mind you on the bright side, my google weather report says that it was sunny all day today and will be a bit cloudy over the weekend. So that's nice!

One good thing though is that I fought my way through the snow to tesco's to find the car park all but empty. Now that's a shopping marvel! The decline of the local store with real character is a shame but there's nothing like being one of very few shoppers in a huge magastore!

Well it's all change here and things are looking good but, as they say, the proof of the pudding's in the eating.

!!Audience Participation Required!!
I'm planning on renaming the blog, I'm looking for something a bit shorter, catchy and witty. Everyone reading this should post a suggestion via the comments link at the bottom of this post. All suggestions will be considered!


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