Why the world is weird!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Viral Marketing - Crossing new lines!

We've all seen bits of viral marketing like the VolksWagen "suicide bomber"( Click Here*) and the animal unfriendly Ford SportsKa ads (Ford SportKa - The cat killer* and Ford Ka's bird swatting evil twin*).

But today a shopkeeper handed me a fiver (change, not generosity) with a website address on it. This has struck me as a genius idea so from today I'll be writing the URL of this very blog on every banknote I get and wait to see what happens. Anyone who finds one of these banknotes should post a comment on this article. I'll be interested in the results and you never know...there may be a reward!

*Please note that these are links to viral adverts which are not necessarily endorsed by their respective companies and may offend.
Just stayin' responsible chappies and chappesses!


  • That cat one looks too real. hope no animals were really hurt.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:10 am  

  • I wouldn't worry. Many believe that these viral adverts are sectretly distribued by their respective companies but there's no evidence to prove this. They are all rather well made so I'd expect that no animals (or actors) were harmed during filming. If I ever hear anything to the contrary, I'll remove the links.

    By Blogger Paul (so tired), at 12:12 am  

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