Why the world is weird!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A five minute reprieve...

Well things are all change at work so the last couple of days have been really busy.
Thanks, by the way, to the reader who left the comment for me today. It was very nice, thank you.
Crikey, I can't believe I used the word "nice". It's such a non-compliment ("thanks for the jumper it's really...nice", "no honestly, I loved the pinapple omlette! It was very...nice"). It's like using the words "different" or "interesting". The sort of words you normally use when you don't really mean it.
Well this isn't one of those instances, I genuinely appreciated the comment.
Mind you I'd rather thank people who leave comments by name, you don't have to be a blogspot member to put a name on your comment. Makes things more friendly I reckon.

Incidentally I did eventually catch up with my brain yesterday. It said it had been away on an impromptu business trip but I don't trust it. If I wasn't the one supplying the coffee I'm sure it'd be off somewhere else.
Anyway I'm off now to update my trivia blog too. My brains come up with a dastardly plan to make it look like I didn't miss any days out.


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