Why the world is weird!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Who da man!...as it were.

One thing I always aim for is to be good at anything I do and my performance today just proves that I'm bl**dy good. I'm not going to go into details but I've been great today and I don't mind admitting it! (fill in the blank - modesty is___________)

I can't stand the whole iPod fashion victim phenomena that we've all fallen for. Apple never used to be a "designer label", I suppose this whole thing shows how new(ish) technology is a part of everyday life the same as a hat or pair of trainers. The daftest thing that I've noticed about this is that if you see someone walking down the street with the iPod trademark white earphones and wires...they haven't got an iPod! Those who do own iPod's buy the more descreet, black variants to avoid tempting would-be muggers. Those who can't afford an (overpriced) iPod buy immitation earpieces to make others think they can. I say overpriced but that's just my opinion. To me there are better MP3 jukebox's out there for much less money.


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