Why the world is weird!

Thursday, March 09, 2006


Strange title for this one I know.
I nipped into my local matalan this afternoon to pick up a couple of items of clothing (we like it on the cheap don't we folks!?). The girl behind the counter was gorgeous, early to mid twenties I'd say. She said she was a medium (not clothing size) and explained to me that she finds it hard when trying to meet men because she knows something about them before she speaks to them, then she said she knows something about me! The strange thing is that I didn't ask her what and now I wish I had. Ah well, maybe next time.
On another note, I'm off to halifax tonight for a few drinks with a mate of mine. Should be good fun. Sometimes I do go out on a Thursday night. Places are a little less crowded than on a weekend and in my line of work it's usually better to be a bit more compos mentis at the weekends.
Predictive text revealed another interesting word comparison yesterday. We all know that if you try to type the word "pint" you get "riot" but I discovered if you try to type "smirnoff" ( as in the vodka) you get "poisoned". Interesting...


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