Why the world is weird!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Bird flu eh..?

So bird flu's reached France now, next stop will have to be the uk and usa, it's inevitable. Yet again though I think the tabloid press have done quite a bit of damage with it's scaremongering practices. Not by getting everyone overly concerned but the exact opposite. No matter who you are I think people actually relax a little when they see big scary headlines in the tabloids. The bird flu's already shown it's ability to travel worldwide, if it does mutate you can guarentee it'll be just as, if not more, communicable.
Think about it seriously, every major (or dominant) species throughout the Earth's history has suffered some sort of cataclysmic event. There's no need to go through the list you already know at least one of them. If you then think of what is most likely to be a serious issue for humans then there are only really a few possibilities. Nuclear war - not very likely despite what you may think. Major asteroid impact - likely to happen at some point but most probably not for thousands if not millions of years. However fi we look at the possibility of a major pandemic, we already have a candidate waiting in the wings. Is there a chance that bird flu will turn out to be nothing for us to worry about? Well, yes but we should all keep one eye out.
Wow that was pretty intense, I reckon I'm going to have to put a fun post on today as well to lighten the mood.


  • Hey dude, that's pretty stressful stuff! If it gets any more intense you and your readers should pop over to Anxiety 2 Calm or check out my anxiety blog.

    The subject you are dealing with can cause a great deal of stress! ;-) And I don't want people to feel they have to cope alone!

    Nice blog
    Cheers, tom

    By Blogger T P Chant, at 2:15 pm  

  • You make a good point and your offer of anxiety support for my readers is greatly appreciated. In fact I'm going to put a permanent link on my main page so people can de-stress with you.
    Nice work Tom.

    By Blogger Paul (so tired), at 2:52 pm  

  • Just had a look at your blog and I'm sure it'll help to de-stress anyone who's worried. Personally I'm de-stressing right now by making bubble and squeek! Hmmm.

    By Blogger Paul (so tired), at 3:06 pm  

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