Why the world is weird!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

All done

Just got home after the second day of bradford uni student's union's hustings coverage.
I was good to get back into the studio but I'm glad I'm done now. If anyone listened in then thanks! If you couldn't or didn't get the chance then I'll be going back to the production studio on sunday to edit together some of the best bits and I'll put a link on sunday's post so keep an eye out for that.
My trivia blog has been pretty quiet recently so please show your support by clicking on the link just to the right here. Daily trivia, you just might learn something.


  • nice blogg enjoying reading. i was thinking of writing one myself since ive been reading yours. i got all my mates to read it too.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:13 pm  

  • Cool, you'll have to drop me a message when you get yours up and running.

    By Blogger Paul (so tired), at 6:11 pm  

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