Why the world is weird!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

More Snow

It's always a pleasant surprise to open your curtains and see a scene like this...

It does mean that I'll be walking to the local shop in the snow to pick up my daily groceries but I actually don't mind that so much.
I could take a quick drive out but there's no real point. I mean, I'm confident in my ability to drive carefully in the snow but I see more stupid driving in this city than anywhere else so I'm not willing to take that chance. Plus I can't really be arsed to clear the snow off the car.

Well I'm going to be back on the radio tomorrow and tuesday night live. As I've said before, my main involvement will be at the beginning of easch show from 6pm. I'll be keeping things ticking over until the folks are ready to start. If you want to listen, you'll need to use winamp but you can download the free version from here. And once you've installed it go to the Ramair website by clicking here then click the listen live link.


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