Why the world is weird!

Sunday, March 12, 2006


Another reason I'm pleased about the snow is that it makes it difficult to have a bonfire!
Might seem like a bit of a strange thing to say but all day yesterday some neighbours of mine a few doors down were enjoying a lovely acrid bonfire.
What is it about some people that causes them to revert back to neanderthals whenever there's a controlled fire involved? I'm sure that the fire was started for a perfectly adequate reason such as safe disposal of sensitive documentation, for example, but after a couple of hours it had descended into madness. Grunting blokes wandering around the local area looking for anything to keep the fire going, knuckles scraping the ground. Not a word of a lie, at one point I drove past and saw a fully grown man, halfway up a tree, jumping on a branch in a worryingly simian manner to dislodge it. I could swear that as I drove past the same gentleman he paused to watch me in sheer amazement as I floated by in my shiny magic horseless carriage.
The strange thing was that the fire was ilegally close to the main road which to my mind explained the presence of a police car which I had assumed was there to tell the apes to put the fire out. This theory was however shattered upon my return home a couple of hours later as the fire still burned and the police car was still there. I had an image in my mind of two male police officers scrabbling around somewhere nearby hunting for kindling, overcome by the primeval influence of the flames.
In a way it's nice to have this form of modern day proof that creationist theory is rediculous but you'd hope these lapses would become a little more rare in 2006.


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