Why the world is weird!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

been busy an' stuff

Hi folks, I know I missed yesterday but I've been really busy at work.
I've downloaded the logs of the two hustings shows and I've been listening back to them. Monday was obviously a bit more fun than tuesday but there are some pretty nice bits (at some points I actually sound quite professional!) I'll edit the good bits together and put a link on a post in the near future so you can let me know what you think.
Many people think that business is a bit of a cut-throat environment to really work in. I suppose that the only images they see are in tv shows like the apprentice. The innacuracy in the apprentice is that every person on that show is out for themselves only rather than together to achieve a common goal. If someone on the apprentice struggles, the others will let them to ensure that there's someone to blame if everything goes to pot. When you're really on a team you know that the bottom line is one out, all out. If one does well then all do well. If one fails, it affects everyone. This means that when anyone struggles they get the best possible support and are lifted by that. Modern business is cut-throat when it comes to "Us and them" but if you get the "us" part right then "they" don't stand a chance.


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