Why the world is weird!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Another day...

Why on earth are more and more people in this country succoming to what I like to call "antipodian inflection disorder". It's the increasing habit, especially in teenagers, to use an upward inflection to the end of every sentence they say as though everything's a question.
I've started to answer every question and I've found it makes the point very well. For Example...
Friend "I was walking?"
Me "Yes, I know what walking is."
F "To my car?"
M "Yes, I also know what a car is."
F "and I saw this guy?"
M "I know what a guy is too."
F "and he asked me what time it was?"
M "What are you asking me?"
F "Sorry am I doing it again?"
M "You're not bloody Australian! Stop watching neighbours and GET SOME WORK DONE!!"
If you know someone suffering from antipodean inflection disorder then give them a sturdy slap...in public...or ridicule them heavily.
Their lives will become richer and they will thank you for it in the end.


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