Why the world is weird!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Sorry miss...i forgot my homework

Hi all. Sorry I know I promised some snippets of my short stint on the airearlier this week but I downloaded a free trial of some very nice editing software and spent most of today proving to myself how rubbish I am at trying to make remixes.
I will be putting a couple of clips on here soon but I was overtaken by the sunday time frittering monster! You know the one. It's the beast that urges pensioners into their cars despite the fact that they don't want to go anywhere. The one that makes you watch the Eastenders omnibus. I'd call it the patron saint of window shoppers.
I even procrastinated over my coffee this morning. I made it at quarter past nine and finished it at twenty to three. Yes, it was cold but in this job you get used to drinking cold tea and coffee.
I did trim my hair though so at least that was constructive. Hair clippers from Tesco - £8. I've just used it for the second time and so it's paid for itself!


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