Why the world is weird!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Collaberations and conspiracies

No, this has nothing to do with the bloody Da Vinci Code.
Right, with that out of the way I've made an interesting discovery today. All brits know of the scugre of the "white van man" on our nations roads. Only caring about themselves, tailgating, noisy and inconsiderate. Well, not if you're also driving a commercial van. I went out today on my first couple of solo runs and discovered something very interesting. When you're driving a van you start to realise how irritating, gormless and un-helpful other road users are. Whilst on my rounds today my life was only made easier at any point by other working drivers. Maybe it's a mutual sympathy for the long hours. Maybe it's the elevated driving position which gives you a better picture of what's happening but I now have a renewed respect for the white van man.
Anyway enough of that - big brother starts tonight....what?....yes I do have a life and yes it's more interesting than that of several social outcasts in a box but as you know. I'm an antagonist at heart and love nothing more than to see people being irritated to breaking point in a harmless gameshow.
Also I was told a joke today - personally I'm expecting to laugh at some point in the next few hours so lets see how it goes.
Barry : "My dog's got no dictionary!"
Norm : "Really? How does he spell terrible?"


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