Why the world is weird!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

...Another dollar.

I love the adverts for these diet drinks. The diet drinks which can help slimming or wieght control as part of a balanced diet. So people start using these products and change their diets at the same time and attribute the benefits purely to the drink.
So Mr. Fattychops, was it the health shake that helped you lose wieght or was it cutting out your daily twelve cheeseburgers?
hmmmm. Lets think.
What too few people realise is that if you're an active person you don't have to starve yourself to lose wieght. Have a little bit of everything (yes everything) and be active for as much of the day as you can.


  • boo hoo !! plz dont stop writing . im bored!!!!!!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:53 am  

  • You sly begger!
    Thanks for the support, remember the anti-bt mantra and I'll be back!

    By Blogger Paul (so tired), at 11:59 am  

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