Why the world is weird!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Not Forgotten!

And you all thought I'd forgotten you!
No such luck I'm afraid, my internet access at home has been cut off and in my line of work it's not easy to take time out and visit an internet cafe to write new entries.
I think of you all every day and I've had to temporarily go back to venting spleen in private to myself.
Oh how my blogger fix helped the madness....
I've even taken to having to wear a bluetooth headset in public to prevent potentially being commited for muttering angrily to myself on the streets of our fair nation.

If anyone fancies helping out then you can do so purely with supportive thoughts. Once a day from now on until you see me re-appear on a daily basis I want you to pause for a moment over breakfast and think to yourself "boo british telecom...booooo...you and your crazy lust for cash darkens my spirit daily...booooo."
Your constant love and support warms my heart...or maybe a slightly more macho yet equally sincere statement to this effect.

Be warned though...I'll be back and sooner than you may think!


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