Why the world is weird!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

I'll sush you, you tweedy old crow! Cuckoo!

Mornin' all.
Yes I'm finally back for good you lucky people.
It's been all change in this particular microcosm of wierd world. (if that makes any sense!). I no longer live in Bradford, I've moved southwards a bit into Derbyshire, and I don't do double glazing any more! Wayhay! ...indeed.
I'm looking to furthar my career in techy stuff but for now I'm working as a delivery driver...which is nice.
Anyway, just a shorty today. The move has left me a bit tired so I'm off for my horlicks. See you tomorrow and thanks, cathy for the comment. It feels good to be back.


  • hey ur bak ! great missed ya.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:52 am  

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