Why the world is weird!

Monday, May 22, 2006

The fast and the furious

What is the mental breakdown which causes people to tailgate? Why should I be hurried along by some middle-aged, rusty bint in a middle-aged, rusty volvo on my journey home. Do these brainless idiot not realise that when they follow a car too closely they may feel like they have the power but they actually surrender it all to the person in front. Due to the way the law works in this country, if you run into the back of another car you are automatically the one at fault. Even if the driver in front admits to braking hard to cause the crash!
I have always thought this law to be completely fair. If you follow someone at an appropriate distance then there is no way at all that they can catch you out.
Now, I'm no angel on the road but I always stay completely safe. I value my life! Some speed limits are rediculous but the problem is stupid drivers. The reason speed limits were first introduced in this country was because british drivers proved that they couldn't be trusted to make an educated decision on their own!
Anyway, rant over. Sorry for missing a couple of days but I spent part of the weekend back in bradford to clear out the rest of my things and to have a beery night out with friends. To cut a long story short, the beer flowed, the ladies danced and the world was at peace with itself.


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