Why the world is weird!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Yet more audience participation...wow

Now then folks, sorry to work you so hard. I know thi is the third time I've asked for feedback but that's just because when you give it, it's smashin'.
I want to build up a new website to add to my online portfolio for the purposes of future jobs but I really don't know what to base the site on.
I'm not looking to publicise any charitable organisation with this one as I need to have complete artistic control (might sound a bit arsey but there we go).
So what kind of site would you visit on a daily basis? What would you love to contribute to and be published on?
How many kittens do you need to fill a hession sack?
Spot the dog chod?
I really can't think of anything but if you can then let me know and you'll have a large honourary mention on the front page of the website when it launches.


  • sorry cant help on site but do enjoy reading bloggs!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:50 pm  

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