Why the world is weird!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

The child in all of us...

Well it's the end of my working week so a big cheer for that and thank glaven it's a bank holiday weekend because I'm now off 'till tuesday!
I think tiredness has finally returned me to a childlike state. I think I'm officially over-tired! I'm finding some of the most purile things laugh-out-loud funny. Like saying the word "mauve" in a weird voice, pressing my stomach whilst making fart noises with my mouth and taunting the memory of Elvis.
As I've explained to you before, myself and my brain seem to be completely individual entities. I'm always around but my brain's really unpredictable. Yesterday my brain got bored and wondered off on it's own again but today it's taken over and is doing all of this strange stuff. Just think of the mental picture of my brain doing all the purile things listed above with me stood in the background tutting and shaking my head.
Anyhow, I'm going to be wrestling back the controls in a minute. I'm off out to see friends tonight which should be good. I need to keep the joviety and lose the madness.
Maybe a nap is in order...


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