Why the world is weird!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Publicity Wierdos

Am I the only one who can't see whay there's so much fuss about John Prescott's croquet game?
"But the photo's were taken just after Tony Blair had left the country leaving him in charge!"
So...maybe my perceptions of government are wrong. Never before was I aware that that the top political job in the country was to stay in a big room full of levers and pulleys making sure everything's moving along nicely. If Britain were a train then, sure, you'd want someone at the controls at all times. It's not. So just calm down you gutter press idiots!
It does raise another question though. Does Tony Blair not sleep at all or is there some guy we never get to see who does the night shift?

Sorry about that people. I know I don't tend to talk about politics. I realise I've broken the unwritten rule of polite conversation - Never talk about politics, religion or bread.
I'm tired now so I'll explain bread tomorrow...crikey, the letters I'll get.


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