Why the world is weird!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Internal Conflict and Drunken Sheep

I woke up this morning to find my brain rather grumpy. I dealt with the usual "why are you up at 2 in the morning again? Go back to bed!" and went downstairs. I have to start off with a coffee as ashallow attempt at bribing my brain into joining me for work but today it stormed off and went back to sleep. It finally caught up with me at about 5:30 this morning as I was driving through the Chatsworth estate. Anyone who's been to Chatsworth house will have seen the signs warning drivers of the dangers of sheep on the road. They're usually only on the road in large numbers really early in the morning so I have to weave through them while they bleat at me with disdain. They did seem a little more subdued today though and a number of them looked as though they'd suffered either a drive-by shearing or lost a bet the night before. This brings me to believe that they were all out drunk last night. If anyone saw Chatsworths sheep crowding into a bar then let me know what they were doing. I was a student and I know the signs of drinking games gone wrong when I see them!


  • yeh thought i saw a herd in my local last night. my girlfriend said they were her mates tho!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:27 am  

  • They are whiley beasts. I wouldn't mind so much but the drunken football songs are terrible. Sheep were obviously never meants to sing.
    They never buy a bloody round either, always using the same "no pockets" excuse!

    By Blogger Paul (so tired), at 9:32 pm  

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